
The idea that every child has musical potential and all children are able to learn and express themselves musically is greatly integrated into the Montessori method. Music activities are respected at the same level as any other form of learning. Teachers are supportive and encouraging of the child’s musical endeavors. Children learn about music, learn with music, and learn by music. Music is incorporated into the Montessori curriculum in the daily classroom environment as well as through music class.
Music classes, taught by a music specialist, take place in multi-aged, group settings while private lessons in piano and other instruments are offered to the children starting at the second level. Time to practice for these lessons is a part of the children’s daily schedule. The music curriculum embraces the pedagogies of Orff, Kodály, and Dalcroze with an emphasis on music literacy, singing, movement, listening, and the playing of instruments. Ear training is developed beginning in early childhood through sound exploration with Montessori bells.